When the wonderful folks at St. Steven’s Episcopal Church of Harrisburg reached out to us to tell us they would give us their front lawn during day 1 of ArtsFest, which faces Riverfront Park, we were elated!
Our friend at the church, Gerry Garber, walked us through the process of getting our new neighbors crafts ready, setting up the space for us and helping us navigate vendor requirements! We then had a few wonderful CWS volunteers purchase and deliver ingredients to our friends, collect the items, and then package them beautifully ready for sale!
On the day, the weather was perfect, the company was fantastic. Thank you Jewish Family Service of Harrisburg for spending the day with us at our stall, and the ArtsFest crowd were so generous. Our new neighbors even had a picnic on the lawn of St. Stevens while passersby enjoyed their crafts!
Thank you to everyone who made our fundraiser such a huge success! So many friends of CWS, old and new, visited and showed our new neighbors their support. We are so grateful to you all.